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It doesn't necessarily mean that you are. The Back pain comes later in the pregnancy and by then you would know if you were or not. If you feel you may be pregnant, buy a pregnancy test (they are very reliable these days) and make sure!

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Q: Am feeling tired and sleep and a bit headach and a pain in your back are you pregnant?
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You wake every morning with bad headach feeling tired and sonetimes angry without know resan?

You might have not got enough sleep TIANA age 7 Date 10-26-2008

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When your pregnant Does the baby sleep when you sleep?

No, he/she or both goes to sleep whenever he/she is tired.

Always feeling sleepy and tired?

No, I tend to sleep when I'm tired and feel better afterward.

What is sleepy as a verb?

Sleepy as a verb is the act of becoming drowsy or feeling the need to rest or sleep. It describes the state of feeling tired or wanting to go to sleep.

Do you sleep a lot when you are pregnant?

I think you do, in your first few months of pregnancy, once you hit 5,6 months you feel full of energy as you approch 8 months you start feeling tired again I think you do, in your first few months of pregnancy, once you hit 5,6 months you feel full of energy as you approch 8 months you start feeling tired again

Why are you always feeling tired?

When you don't get enough sleep or you are often stressed out, you need time to rest and have time to relax and if you go to sleep you'll feel better.

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You will start feeling dizzy and tired so it's best to sleep at night.

Does Depression cause fatigue?

Depression causes lack of motivation. Feeling sluggish and tired are a result. Depression can also cause sleep insomnia or make you over sleep.

You have been feeling really tired recently headaches and lowerback pain and feeling sick if you havent eaten on time could you be pregnant your period was very light?


Feeling sick cramps tired moody are you pregnant?

not necessarily . But keep check on your cycle ,if you miss your period you surely could be

Will a pregnant gerbil sleep a lot?

Yes, pregnant gerbils usually sleep for long periods of time. This is due to them getting tired from carrying heavy weights. No need to worry if they sleep alot, just make sure they eat and drink lots too.