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Asbestos is known to cause cancer.

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Q: Aluminum hematite asbestos or quartz which can cause cancer?
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Related questions

Can hematite scratch quartz?

Yes, hematite is harder than quartz on the Mohs scale, so it can scratch quartz. Hematite has a hardness of 5.5-6.5, while quartz has a hardness of 7.

Which of these is a mineral element gold hematite calcite quartz?

Gold, hematite, calcite, and quartz are all mineral elements.

What minerals are oxides?

Many minerals are oxides such as quartz and hematite.

Is hematite more expensive than smokey quartz?


Can other minerals scratch the hematite?

Yes, other minerals can scratch hematite. Hematite has a hardness of 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs scale, so minerals with a higher hardness (like quartz or corundum) can scratch hematite.

What are example of minerals?

Mica, clinoclase, pyrite, galena, diamond, graphite, calcite, quartz, tourmaline, azurite, lepidolite, orthoclase, plagioclase, beryl, vanadinite, apatite, lazurite, corundum, gypsum, malachite, aluminum, sulfur, hematite.

What minerals are in hematite iron ore?

The primary mineral would be... hematite. Many other minerals could be present, to one degree or another, including magnetite, pyrite, quartz, etc.

Why is bauxite used for the extraction of aluminum?

Bauxite is the most important ore of aluminum.

Irradiation of quartz that contains traces of aluminum will produce what gem?

The irradiation of quartz containing traces of aluminum will produce an amethyst gemstone. This process can change the color of the quartz from clear to purple, resulting in the formation of amethyst crystals.

What are 8 examples of minerals?

Quartz Feldspar Calcite Gypsum Diamond Halite Magnetite Pyrite

What are 5 minerals that come from minerals?

Copper: Mined primarily as chalcopyrite, an important source of copper. Gold: Extracted from gold ores such as quartz and pyrite. Iron: Mainly obtained from hematite and magnetite ores. Zinc: Usually found in sphalerite, a zinc sulfide mineral. Aluminum: Mainly sourced from bauxite ore, a mixture of hydrated aluminum oxides.

Which silicate minerals are the main components of most rocks on earth's surface?

oxygen and aluminum