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Q: Although the stomach is responsible for digestion very little occurs in it?
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What occurs in the stomach although it is responsible for very little digestion?

Although the stomach is responsible for digestion, very little absorption happens in it. Instead, the stomach is more like a washing machine; it agitates foodstuffs. It stirs up ground up food (mechanical digestion from teeth / gums occurs in the mouth), with stomach acids in the stomach and bile salts from the gallbladder assisting in chemical digestion.

Where does the enzymatic digestion of starch mainly happen in?

Mouth, small intestine, and stomach

In the stomach there is essentially no digestion of which macronutrient?

In the stomach, very little fat is digested. Most of fat digestion occurs in the intestine, where bile and enzymes act to break down fats.

What is role of stomach during digestion?

The stomach serves too major roles in digestion. It is a place where chemical digestion takes place with stomach acid helping to break down food. It is also a place where mechanical digestion takes place. The stomach muscles expand and contract to crush and grind food.

What important roles stomach perform during digestion?

The stomach secretes these fluids:•Gastric juice: acidic liquid secreted from the stomach; it contains hydrochloric acid, pepsin, water, and other compounds•Hydrochloric acid: very acidic, starts to denature proteins, converts pepsinogen into active enzyme pepsin (assist in protein digestion), kills many bacteria and germs that may have entered the body•Pepsin: proteins and fats enter the stomach largely unchanged, begins digestion of protein and activates other GI enzymes needed to digest your meal•Gastric lipase: one enzyme responsible for fat digestion, not very much produced so little digestion occurs•Mucus: thick whit fluid that protects the stomach lining from being digested by HCl and pepsin•the stomach also mixes and churns (more mechanical digestion) food until it becomes liquid chyme•Stomach has three bands of muscles; longitudinal, circular and diagonal•Pyloric sphincter regulates the release of chyme from the stomach into the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum

Why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach A. mucus inhibits starch breakdown B Stomach enzymes are dysfunctional C should not be eaten with protein D. salivary enzymes don't work?

The answer is B

Which organs clean the blood coming from the digestion organs?

The liver because the liver is down of the esophagus and covers some little part of the stomach.

What makes the sound of the stomach rumbling?

Stomach rumbling is caused by the movement of gas and fluids in the gastrointestinal tract as it contracts and relaxes during digestion. The sound is amplified when there is little food in the stomach, allowing the air and fluids to move more freely.

Chewing and churning are examples of what type of digestion?

Chewing is a mechanic digestion as i found out here on WikiAnswers. So i hope i have answered you question those of you who have needed this little bit of information x.what the heck are u talking about?

What is the Hormone that regulates pH of stomach?

Acid (Hcl) is secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach. In the stomach the food itself and saliva from mouth (this is little alkaline) regulates acidity of the stomach. But acid in normal quantity is needed for digestion, specially for meats, hard and solid foods.

The intestines are responsible for digestion but little absorption occurs there?

The small intestine is responsible for digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also absorbs most nutrients. However, the large intestine is less active in it's processes. The large intestine only digests fiber and only absorbs water.

What are 2 ways food is broken down in the stomach?

Food is broken down in the stomach through mechanical digestion, where the muscles of the stomach contract to churn and mix food with digestive juices. Chemical digestion also occurs in the stomach, where digestive enzymes break down proteins and other macromolecules into smaller nutrients that can be absorbed.