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Q: Allergic to dayquil excedrin and banadryl what should you take?
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Does dayquil interfere with Prozac?

No; Dayquil should not interfere with Prozac.

Can you take excedrin migraine and dayquil same day?

This depends how much Excedrin Migraine or how much Dayquil you are having. Both Excedrin (Extra Strength or Migraine) and Dayquil contain acetaminophen (Tylenol). An overdose of acetaminophen can cause liver damage, sometimes liver failure. You should not be taking more than 1000mg of acetaminophen in a six hour period of time, and no more than 4000mg in a 24 hour period. Each tablet of Excedrin Extra Strength or Excedrin Migraine contains 250mg of acetaminophen. So, each dose contains 500mg. Each tablet of Dayquil contains 325mg of acetaminophen. Each dose contains 650mg. It is up to you to add up what you are taking so that you are not taking more than is recommended. If you think you may have overdosed on acetaminophen, seek emergency care. The sooner they are able to treat you, the more likely it is they can help save your liver.

Can you take dayquil and Tamiflu together?

Yes, you can take Tamiflu and Dayquil together. If you have any questions about mixing medication, you should always ask for your doctor's advice.

Safe to take excedrin migraine and percocet together?

Yes it is safe. I have been taking percocet and excedrin maximum strength for years, but as always its safer to consult your doctor for reassurance due to the face that nobody knows your current medical history. I say yes.

Does Excedrin effect you before conception?

The ingredients in Excedrin are acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. The former two are routinely prescribed to pregnant women, while opinions vary on what doses of caffeine are safe for pregnant women; taking Excedrin before conceiving should not affect future pregnancies.

Can you take Lamotrigine and Excedrin together?

You should be able to. They warn against certain anti-depressants and excedrin, as they can make you bruise or bleed more easily, but since it's an anticonvulsant, you should be fine. (I take both and I've never had issues.)

How long does it take for excedrin to get out of your system in order to get a clean urine test?

Excedrin doesn't linger in your system for more than 2 days or so. One day and it should be cleanly gone.

What happens if you eat raisins if you are allergic to them?

If you are really allergic then you should NOT eat them. Don't you understand what "allergic" means .

Should you take your daily allergy med when you're taking DayQuil for a cold or flu?

No because Dayquill has allergy medication in it.

Allergic to peanuts can you be allergic to boiled peanuts?

all peanut products you should be allergic to. but not any of the marshmellow peanuts!

Can you use betadine if you are allergic to iodine?

You should not use Betadine if a patient is allergic to iodine. Betadine contains approximately 1% iodine, which could be enough to cause an allergic reaction.

Doxycycline if allergic to tetracycline?

You should not use doxycycline if you have a know allergic reaction to tetracycline.