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Ussually it takes 3 weeks in order to detect but some wmen are different and like to change things up a bit. Yes it can show right away but in very few patients. The percentage of that is like 12%

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Q: After sex on ovulation day and may become pregnant will your dishard change right away or after your missed period?
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What day did you become pregnant your lms was Jan 31 2008?

It's hard to know the exact day of conception. If your cycles are regular and 28 days every month, you can figure that you ovulated around Feb. 14th, and probably got pregnant within 24 hours of ovulation since the egg only lives 12-24 hours after ovulation. If your cycles are longer, the day of ovulation would change as well.

You had intercourse during your ovulation period and took pepsi the next morning can this alter your chances of getting pregnant.?

Pepsi? As in the beverage? That wont change a thing.

If you usually get migraines the day after you ovulate will you still get one or any other post ovulation symptoms if conception has taken place?

You must ovulate to become pregnant, so post-ovulation symptoms will occur. Post-ovulation Migraine is often the result of decreased estrogen. Conception will not usually change this.For best results, see a headache specialist who has had extra training in diagnosing and treating these types of disorders.___________________________________yup and nopeYou may. The human body is strange. Using that as a way to judge if your pregnant or not is not good, go get 2 E.P.T. Pregnancy test's, and use them both.

Does mood change during ovulation?

of course it does...

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Valium is an anti-anxiety medication, not a painkiller. It will not change ovulation pain.

Can a womans ovulation day change during her lifetime?

hon it can change every cycle

Has there ever been a man pregnant?

No. A man cannot become pregnant. However, there were cases of the "pregnant man" which was actually a transvestite; a woman had a sex change operation but obviously conceived before the operation.

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Pretty much like any other tiger, only slightly chubbier. Animals as a rule don't change as much as humans when they become pregnant.

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Can you get pregnant 13 days after your period go off?

Yes, you can get pregnant any time you have sex. Typically ovulation occurs two weeks before menstruation, and a woman is fertile for up to a week before ovulation thanks to the presence of fertile cervical mucus that can keep sperm alive in the vagina for up to a week. Unless a woman uses Fertility Awareness Methods there is no way for her to know when she is fertile or ovulating - because everyone's cycle are different and your individual cycles can change for a number of reasons.

Can you get pregnant an 1 day before your period an still get your period?

No, you can't get pregnant one day before your period and you wouldn't be abler to menstruate if pregnant. Ovulation typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, it then takes time for the fertilised egg to travel down the fallopian tubes to implant in the uterus. During this time hormones change to let the body know about the pregnancy in order to stop menstruation.

How would your life plan change if you become pregnant and teenage pregnant?

you will have an awfully bad reputation.. no-one will look up to you anymore everyone will think your a bad infulence.. next time..think before you do stuff