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A person does not have AIDS until they are diagnosed with the condiition. AIDS is a result of advanced HIV infection. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. There are no reliable symptoms that point to HIV infection. The only effective way to know your status is to get tested.

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Q: After how long time a person having AIDS feels symptoms of AIDS?
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What kind of sings and symptoms are shown by infected person in AIDS?

they get abs and start singing about aids

What's the cause of AIDS?

AIDS is caused by having unprotected sexual relations with a person who has HIV/AIDS.

Will gay get AIDS?

Everyone can get AIDS, mostly by having unprotected sex with an infected person.

Does a person with AIDS have a fever?

Like most diseases, HIV presents itself differently in every person. Some people may have persistent symptoms, while some will experience very few symptoms. One of the most common symptoms of HIV is a fever. Having a fever means that your body temperature is elevated.

Can someone stay with hiv for 1year without symptoms?

Yes. One can be HIV+ for many years before having any AIDS symptoms.

What is one way a person can be infected with AIDS?

By having sex

How is chlamydia related to HIV and AIDS?

No. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

What is the difference between AIDS and chickenpox?

Aids is caught by having sex with a infected person, or having infected blood.while chickenpox is coght from the air or viral.

How you can find aids symptoms?

Simply search for AIDS Symptoms or go to for answers

Can you transfer aids to another person?

Yes, by having sexual contact or using same needles with someone with Aids virus.

Why is it rare for a person without AIDS to show symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma or thrush?

Its rare for a man to have a vagina

Can aids be transmitted by a seemingly healthy person?

Yes. AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus.) A person can be infected with HIV for a very long time before the experience any symptoms.