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Binocular vision helps us to judge distance and depth more accurately.

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Paige Wiza

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3y ago
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11y ago

YES!!! 2 eyes are better than 1 because if you only have 1 eye it would be hard to see 2 different ways at the same time. Like here's an example if you only had a left eye you couldn't look to the right without turning your head and same with the right eye.

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16y ago

Each eye gives you a picture of the world from a different angle

your right eye has one view and your left another- the brain combines the two to give you one complete "real' image

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11y ago

A&P Question:

Even though we have two eyes, why do we normally see only one image?

-Information from each eye goes to both hemispheres for processing.

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15y ago

because god gave us two not one so why would u wonder such a question

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Q: Advantages of having tWO EYES
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