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studies have shown that ivf children can have long term hospitilizations or surgerys
Pro: for some people, the only possibility to bear their biological child. Cons: cost (usually not covered by insurance); likely need to repeat attempt at ivf several times; invasive physically on the woman; possibility of lab mixups (there have been cases of the wrong sperm or eggs or embryo being used for the wrong patient); ethical concerns over the creation of excess embryos or their destruction; time and effort and stress spent on a gamble. Con-counters: cost compared to adoption may be comparable depending on your criteria and how successful you are (at either ivf or adoption); ethical concerns can be kept in mind when attempting ivf, by not creating more embryos than you intend to have transferred into your uterus, and if any are left, you can donate them to other couples to use. The underlying weight of either the pros or the cons will depend on one's beliefs, intentions, comfort levels with the alternatives, financial well-being, and seeing eye-to-eye with one's partner (if any).

  • It is by far the most effective treatment in order to bear a child if you are having difficulty conceiving naturally.
  • You can genetically test embryos prior to pregnancy and avoid genetic diseases.


  • Women who go through IVF are usually at risk of a condition called 'ovarian hyperstimulation'.
  • IVF is a very expensive, stressful and time consuming method of conceiving.
  • IVF ups your chances of a multiple birth.
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Q: Advantages and disadvantages of in vitro fertilization?
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In-Vitro Fertilization

What are the advantages of having an infertility treatment?

One of the only advantages of having in vitro fertilization is the outcome, a baby. There are more disadvantages, such as the cost and risk of having multiple pregnancies or an ectopic pregnancy. But the advantage usually outweighs the disadvantages in this case.

What are the bioethical issues in IN VITRO fertilization?

what is the bioethical in in vitro fertilazation

What are the advantages and disadvantages of frozen embryos?

Advantages: Allows possible pregnancy to occur should a woman's reproductive health be compromised (such as through cancer treatments). Allows for In vitro fertilization to occur. Woman can become pregnant later in life. Surrogate pregnancy can result. Disadvantages: It is possible that none of the embryos will survive the thawing process. Expensive.


in-vitro fertilization

What is the future of in vitro fertilization?

In Vitro fertilization is not extremely effective. There is a failure rate which can be as high as 75% in many cases.

What is the name of the procedure where fertilization is accomplished in lab dish and then inside womans oviducts?

In vitro fertilization. Vitro is from the Latin word for glass.

What has the author H J Leese written?

H. J. Leese has written: 'Human reproduction and in vitro fertilisation' -- subject- s -: Fertilization in vitro, Human, Human Fertilization in vitro

Can I use a in vitro pregnancy test even if I am not trying an in vitro pregnancy?

Yes. In vitro means, "in glass" or "outside of the body", and In vitro pregnancy test is a test that is performed "outside" of the human body. In vitro fertilization is egg fertilization that is performed outside of the body. All home pregnancy tests are "in vitro".

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In vitro fertilization

What does the abbreviation IVF mean?

IVF stands for in vitro fertilization, a fertility treatment in which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body in a laboratory setting.

What type of fertilization procedure in which mature mature ova are removed from the mother to be fertilized?

in vitro fertilization