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Q: Add r to title and get a group of young animals born at the same time to one mother?
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Related questions

What group of animals have hair and feed their young on mother's milk?

Mammals have fur, skin or hair, and feed their young on mothers' milk.

What word means a group of young animals born?

For most mammals its "litter." The mother dog gave birth to a litter of puppies.

Do the group animals take care of their young together?

no they don't the mother and father animals stay together but the group comes second to their young

List of mother animals and their young?

Cow and calf Dog and puppy Cat and kitten Elephant and calf Duck and duckling

Why do female grizzly bear care for their young?

All mother animals have an instinctive need to care for their young. If this was not 'hard wired' into mother animals their young would die and their species would cease to exist.

Which group of animals have young called tadpoles?


What is ovovivivparous?

Ovoviviparous animals develop eggs but their young develop and "hatch" inside of their mother, so that the mother delivers live young.

What does a mother do when it takes care of its young?

A mother typically provides nourishment, protection, and guidance to her young. She may also teach them survival skills and social behaviors to help them thrive in their environment. Additionally, mothers often offer emotional support and comfort to their offspring.

Does a Rhino mostly travel in a group or alone?

They tend to travel alone and be extremely territorial

Another word for a group of people starting with br?

brood : a group of young animals or children

Do cougars live alone or with a group of other cougars?

Bobcats do not live in groups. The only cat(that's wild) that lives in groups are lions. Bobcats only live in a "group" is when a mother has cubs.

If certain animals eat their young why don't they become extinct?

Because they don't eat ALL of their young, and many of them are animals that have large litters of young, and not every single mother of a species is going to eat its young.