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I am an Indian senior citizen and a 30 years type2 diabetic. Vegetarian who does not smoke or drink. Do moderate exercise. No matter what medicines I am on, Glimipride, Metmorphin etc my FBS does not come below 150. My Ayurvedic doctors say not to worry until it hits 200. I totally agree. I have my retina examined twice yearly. Had cataract surgery in both eyes and there are no signs of neuropathy.

My conclusion is that European/American pharmaceutical companies are setting newer, lower limits all the time to sell their products. same story with statins.

I do not see any race and age based studies in this regard.

Prof. Raj Gadasalli

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Q: Acceptable fasting blood sugars in elderly should elderly be allowed to have a slightly higher blood glucose in am if on meds?
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Of course, you are allowed to swim during fasting in Ramadan or any other day. However, you should be sure not to swallow or o get into your mouth any water during swimming, otherwise, your fasting is no longer valid.

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Muslims start fasting from the Sunrise until Sunset. Part of fasting is not to eat, drink, or have any sexual acts. Alternate answer: If you are fasting for another reason, it depends on what you are fasting from. You can be fasting from food but not necessarily drink (water, juice, etc.) If you are diabetic or suffer from some other illness, your body will need nutrients to replace the nutrients it is not getting during the period you are fasting.

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It is not a real chalenge but rather a ritual worship. The Muslim in Ramadan has to keep fasting throughout the month. The fasting each day is during the day time from dawn to sunset. Fasting includes refraining from eating, drinking, smoking, and/or performing sexual intercourse. During the evening period from sunset until before dawn, every thing is allowed as in any normal day. Muslims are allowed to break fasting during travelling days or illness or any health reasons and to be compensated after Ramadan (and after the reasons for breaking fasting are no longer valid) by fasting equal number days. Allowed also not to fasting for old people or those who are not allowed permenantly to fasting due to health reasons and they should feed a poor a full day meal for each day not be fasted.

Are you allowed to watch cooking programmes while fasting?

Yes, but it's not being kind to yourself.

Are you allowed to eat dairy products while fasting?

It depends on how loud do you want speak when you fast.

Can you chew gum while fasting?

NO, You can't chew gum while fasting. As soon as you chew a gum while fasting your fast will break. But, if you're in fast for weight loss then if you think that gum helps you then you can go for it.

In a religious fast is chicken or turkey meat allowable?

Fasting means NO EATING. Religious or medical the fact that you are fasting excludes all forms of consumption so the answer would be no chicken or turkey is not allowed.