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kills any pathogenic bacteria in your body

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Q: A vaccine can protect you against a disease because it?
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What are the risks for not taking vaccines?

Every vaccine is designed to protect against some infectious disease. If you do not take the vaccine, you are more likely to become infected by that disease. If you do not get the polio vaccine, you are more likely to get polio, for example.

What disease does the mmr protect against?

This is a combination vaccine and has the acronym MMR. It is administered for measles, mumps, and rubella.

Is this how to spell vaksanate?

The correct spelling is "vaccinate." It means to administer a vaccine to protect against disease.

The act or practice of inoculating someone with vaccine as a protection against disease-?

Vaccination is the act of administering a vaccine to stimulate the body's immune system to develop immunity against a specific disease. It helps protect individuals from infectious diseases by preparing their immune system to recognize and fight off the pathogen if exposed to it in the future.

Why are some vaccines not suitable for all diseases?

Simply put there are to many diseases. Some of the existing vaccines, pneumovax for example,only protect against a certain bacteria, and the flu vaccine is redeveloped each year to protect against the strain that is predicted to be the most prevalent. Others, like shingles vaccine protect against the disease, do NOT guarantee immunity but help to lessen the severity and pain associated with the disease.

Explain how an active vaccine works to protect the human body?

A vaccine works by producing antibodies to immunize the body against the virus that vaccine is intended to protect against.

Does a vaccine protect against an illness or against an accident?


Who developed the vaccine against the disease?

that is love

Is there a Hepatitis D vaccine?

Not specifically, but the HBV vaccine will protect against HDV.

what is the difference between pro biotic and vaccines?

A pro biotic is designed to aid digestion. A vaccine is (usually) an injection to protect you against disease.

What is the job of the liquid which can protect you if you are given it before you have the disease?


Is another term for H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine Pneumococcal vaccine?

No, the "pneumonia vaccine" is to protect against several types of pneumonia that are common and will not protect against the A-H1N1/09 virus. See related questions below.