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Q: A tapeworm is an organism that lives inside the intestines of larger animals including man and absorbs nutrients from its host. This type of symbiotic relationship is called?
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What is the musk ox's symbiotic relationship?

Musk oxen have a mutualistic relationship with the birds known as oxpeckers. The birds feed on insects and parasites found on the musk ox's skin, helping to keep the musk ox clean and free from pests. In return, the musk ox gains a form of pest control, as the birds help to reduce the number of harmful insects on their bodies.

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The rhinoceros lives in a symbiotic relationship with an oxpecker. Their symbiotic relationship is mutualism, meaning thy both benefit from this relationship. the oxpecker cleans off bugs and ticks from the rhinoceros, that gives the oxpecker nutrients and the rhinoceros gets clean

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Mycorrhizae are symbiotic relationships between the roots of plants and fungi that act as extensions of the root system. The fungi supply the plant with certain nutrients, and the plant in turn supplies the fungi with carbohydrates.

What symbiotic relationship is there with the cockroaches?

Cockroaches have a symbiotic relationship with certain microorganisms in their guts that help them break down cellulose and other complex nutrients from their diet. This allows the cockroaches to obtain nutrients that they otherwise wouldn't be able to digest.

What is non-symbiotic relationship?

A non-symbiotic relationship is one where both parties are not benefiting equally from the relationship. There are different types of non-symbiotic relationships, including parasitism, which is where one party takes from another without giving anything back.

What is non symbiotic relationship?

A non-symbiotic relationship is one where both parties are not benefiting equally from the relationship. There are different types of non-symbiotic relationships, including parasitism, which is where one party takes from another without giving anything back.

What is the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and human intestines?

mutualism because the bacteria gets food and the human gets to decompose of certain foods

What symbiotic relationship does flukes and elks have?

A parasitic relationship. The fluke (if it is a blood fluke) takes needed nutrients from the elk's blood, which can harm the elk.

What is the algae that has a symbiotic relationship with the reef builders?

Zooxanthellae is the algae that has a symbiotic relationship with reef-building corals. These algae live within the coral's tissues and provide energy through photosynthesis, while the coral provides shelter and nutrients to the algae in return. This symbiotic relationship is crucial for the health and growth of coral reefs.

What is the symbiotic relationship of powdery mildew?

Powdery mildew forms a mutually beneficial (symbiotic) relationship with its host plant by obtaining nutrients from the plant while also providing a protective barrier or manipulating the plant's defenses to its advantage. This relationship can weaken the plant's growth and make it more susceptible to other stresses or diseases.