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Q: A signal conduction route to and from the central nervous system is a?
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What is nervous coordination?

The nervous system recives stimuly from the external environment through the sense organs and transmit their information through the central nervous system. The central nervous system analysis it and than sends signal to the stimulate responses by the specific organs.

The cranial and spinal nerves form what nervous system?

the peripheral nervous system

Is the brain part of the Central Nervous System or the Peripheral Nervous System?

Central nervous system. In fact, the brain is the CENTER of the central nervous system.

Is autonmic nervous system apart of the peripheral or central nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system is a division of the central nervous system.

The portion of the nervous system away from the central nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system is the portion of the nervous system away from the central nervous system. It consists of nerves that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body, including sensory and motor neurons. The peripheral nervous system is responsible for transmitting information to and from the central nervous system.

How does the central nervous system differ from the nervous system?

The central nervous system is part of the nervous system, but it is only the brain and the spinal cord.

How is the central nervous system differ from the peripheral nervous system?

Describe how the central nervous system differs from the peripheral nervous system. pen is

What has the author Alan Lloyd Hodgkin written?

Alan Lloyd Hodgkin has written: 'The conduction of the nervous impluse' -- subject(s): Nervous system 'The conduction of the nervous impulse' -- subject(s): Nervous system

The central nervous system in vertebrates consists of the what and the spinal cord?

The central nervous system

The nervous system is divided into which two subsystems?

The Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous system

Differences between the nervous system and the central nervous system?

The nervous system is all parts of the system while the Central Nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord which contains your central nerves.

What is the difference between the efferent and the efferent neurons?

they don't have a difference Unless you are talking about the direction of their signal. Afferent is taking information toward the central nervous system while efferent is taking information away from the central nervous system.