

Best Answer

Everyone in the school contracted viral infection because of water contamination.

I have a infection on my arm.

I once had a ear infection.

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Q: A sentence for infection
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How do you use the word infection in a sentence?

infection means: spreading of germs sentence: If you don't care for the cut soon, you might get an infection.

What is a sentence using the word infection?


What is a sentence with infection in it?

Socialists see capitalism as a social infection which thrives on inequality.There was an infection spreading around the town.The doctors had managed to stop the spread of the infection.

Can you give me a sentence with the word infection?

If the boy got his cut dirty, he could've gotten an infection.

How do use conjunction in a sentence?

conjunctivitis is an infection on the eye

A sentence for fester?

His infection festered, so he had to see a doctor

What is agood sentence for prescribed?

the doctor prescibed me an antibiotic for my infection

How can use the word auditory in a sentence?

He had an infection in his auditory canal

How would you use jaundiced in a sentence?

He appeared jaundiced from the liver infection.

How do you use the word curable in a sentence?

An ear infection is a curable condition.

Can you give me a sentence with the word bacterial?

The doctor told the patient he had a bacterial infection in his foot. He has a bacterial infection in his hand caused by a cut.

Can you put prescription in a sentence?

When I had an infection, I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription for an antibiotic.