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Q: A persons ability to use responsibility to override emotions is called?
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What is the ability to see something from another persons point of view to identify with and enter into another persons feeling and emotions?


What is the ability to see something from another persons point of view to identify with and enter into another persons feelings and emotions.?


Strong emotions can interfere with a persons ability to?

reasonably think and make wise decisions

Which emotions is the ability to understand and share another persons feelings?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share another person's feelings. It involves recognizing and relating to someone else's emotions without necessarily experiencing them yourself.

What is the ability to see something from another persons point of view and to identify with and enter into another persons feelings and emotions?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves being able to put oneself in someone else's shoes and experience their emotions and perspectives. It is an important skill for building connections, resolving conflicts, and showing compassion towards others.

Is religion the strongest impact of a persons actions?

That and emotions.

A group or association of persons organized for a special responsibility?

A group or association of persons are not organised for a special responsibility, they join together in a common purpose to earn income.

This persons responsibility is to organize party workers?


What is the negative effect of technology on people's communication?

You cannot read the persons emotions

What is the ability of persons groups or institutions to influence political developments?

The ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments would be called power.

Is the ability of persons groups or institutions to influence political developments?

The ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments would be called power.

Who is the agent of morality?

Human persons are the primary agents of moral responsibility.