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Q: A gas not normally found in air?
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Which gas is normally found in air?

air is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen roughly and around 1% argon

Which gas is normally used up when you burn things in air?


What is the lightest air?

Hydrogen is the lightest gas found in air.

What is the normal phase of xenon?

Xenon is normally found as a gas at room temperature and pressure.

Name one other gas found in air?

Argon is another gas found in air, making up about 0.93% of the Earth's atmosphere.

The primary gas found within air is?

The primary gas found in air is nitrogen, which makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen is the second most abundant gas, comprising about 21% of the air we breathe.

What is the third most common gas found in the air?

This gas is argon - 0,9340 %.

What is the second most common gas found in the air?

This gas is oxygen - 20,946 %.

What is the composition of gases found in inhaled air?

gas composition in air is the sum of the gas individual element and that of the air i.e oxygen and nitrogen

What is the thrid most common gas found in the air you brethe?

This gas is argon - 0,984 %.

Is argon a gas in dry air?

Yes, argon is a gas that makes up approximately 0.93% of Earth's atmosphere and is found in dry air.

What do you call the air that can breathe in?

It is normally know as 'air' and air is made up mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is the gas that the body needs to survive.