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Q: A broker is not equiredby law o notifyfec o conflicting demands in which sitations?
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What is state anxiety?

State anxiety describes the experience of unpleasent feelings when confronted with specific sitations, demands or a particular object or event.

Ability to determine priorities and successfully balance conflicting demands?


Conflicting demands upon the ego the ego feels thretend and overwhlmed this feeling is called what?

When conflicting demands create a sense of threat and overwhelm for the ego, this can lead to a state of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort that arises when an individual holds conflicting beliefs or attitudes, leading to a sense of imbalance or distress.

What is conflicting demands?

Something has to be done but their is a conflict that is holding me back from doing the demand. Also a conflict can be when you and your co-worker is not seeing eye to eye on a situation/ project that has to be done.

What is the meaning of a re-occurring dream about a house being flooded and then split in two?

Something in your life is being overwhelmed and in danger of breaking apart. This could mean yourself, in the sense of being overwhelmed by demands - or perhaps by tensions that pull you in two opposite directions. In dreams, a house often represents the self, with different rooms standing for different aspects of your life. You are feeling "torn" by overwhelming, conflicting demands.

When Hitler's first demands in Czechoslovakia were met he .?

made more demands ..;))

When Hitler's first demands in Czechoslovakia were met?

made more demands ..;))

What is its job for the ego system?

The job of the ego is to navigate between the demands of the id (instinctual desires) and the superego (moral and societal standards) through rational decision-making and reality testing. It acts as the mediator within the psyche, aiming to balance the conflicting desires and restrictions imposed by the id and superego.

What are the various sources of pressure for new laws?

Citizens demands, business demands, local and state government demands, and federal government demands, to name several.

Examples of role conflict and role strain?

Role conflict can occur when demands from different roles a person occupies (such as being a parent and an employee) are incompatible. Role strain can occur when the demands within a single role become overwhelming or conflicting. For example, a nurse may experience role conflict when balancing patient care and administrative duties, while a student might experience role strain trying to juggle multiple classes and extracurricular activities.

What is the plural of demand?

The word demands is the plural. The singular is demand.

When Hitlers demands in Czechoslovakia were met he?

Made More Demands