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you need to see a dr. i hada pain in my side also and it turned out to be a inflammed cervix

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Q: 7 weeks negative result only symptom sore areola and mild cramp on right side of uterus are you pregnant?
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Can a woman be pregnant and show a negative result on a hpt?


Am not able to be pregnant no period for two but result is negative?

Visit you doctor.

What if you get negative result?

Then your obviously not pregnant . & if you wanna make sure then take another one & if it comes out negative then your lucky

What does a negative result of a home test mean?

That you are testing too early or that you are not pregnant.

What does it mean if the clear blue hpt result is a very faint negative?

Sorry, but not pregnant

My period is delayed by ten days i did urine test but the result is negative-what's going on?

i am 10 delayed and still negative result. i have head ache and some unclear discharge... i am pregnant

Can you be pregnant and get a negative result 10 days after your missed period?

Yep. It is not very likely, but it can happen.

Can you be three months pregnant and still get negative ultrasound result?

i am 6 months pregant,,i know i am and i had an ultrasound and it came out negative i was getting worried about it..

What does one line mean on a pregnancy test?

it varies from test to test but usually on most tests only one line means a negative result

Can you still be pregnant if the test comes back neg?

It is possible (a false negative test result), but not likely.

What happens if you get a negative result right away on a home pregnancy test?

I'd guess you aren't pregnant.