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In the leopard frog heart, the right atrium carries oxygen poor blood and the left atrium carries oxygen rich blood.

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Q: 7 In the leopard frog heart The right atrium carries oxygen rich blood?
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What carries oxygen-rich blood to the left atrium?

Pulmonary vein

What blood vessels carries oxygen rich blood to the heart?

The pulmonary vein.The pulmonary veins transport oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.

Where does the pulmonary vein distribute blood to?

The pulmonary vein carries blood from the lungs to the right atrium. This blood is oxygen-rich.

What blood vessel carries oxygenated blood into the left atrium?

The Pulmonary Vein carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the Left Atrium.

Does the superior vena cava carry oxygen rich blood?

No, the superior vena cava carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body to the right atrium of the heart. Oxygen-rich blood is carried by the pulmonary veins from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.

Which atrium has oxygen-rich blood?

The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood.

What does the left atrium carry?

The left atrium carries oxygenated blood.

What does blood moving from the lungs to the heart carry?

Blood moving from the lungs to the heart carries oxygen. This blood returns to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins.

What carries oxygen -poor venous blood from below the diaphragm from the areas of the lower body and extremities into the right atrium?

my butt

What carries oxygen poor venous blood from below the diaphragm from the areas of the lower body and extremities into the right atrium?

my butt

What blood vessel lets blood empty into the left atrium?

The vena cava carries deoxygenated blood into the left atrium.

What chamber of the heart do the pulmonary veins enter?

the left pumps blood thereThe pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.