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Swollen lymph modes in children is very common and can be from many things including an infection or virus and Allergies. Lymph nodes on the neck can be from ear aches/infections, sore throats, runny noses, loose teeth ect... Also lymph nodes may stay swollen long after the infection/problem that caused them to enlarge has resolved. Take him/her to the doctor for an avaluation to make sure he/she doesnt need any medication.

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Q: 6 yr old child has a firm lump on right side of neck oblong shape about half inch long in lymph node area other side of neck is tender and possible lump too?
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What could be the cause of a tender or sore lump in your neck under your ear?

If your neck is swollen and under your ears are red and tender, you may have swollen glands. Swollen glands are a result of an enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Why do the Lymph nodes become larger and tender?

Lymph nodes become larger and tender when they are working to fight off an infection. This is a sign that the immune system is activated and producing more white blood cells to help combat the infection.

What caused my armpits to become tender?

Your arm pits may be tender due to a sensitivity to your deodorant. You also have lymph nodes in the area which can become tender and sensitive at the beginning of any sickness.

What do lymph nodes do Why do they sometimes become large and tender?

Lymph nodes filter out microorganisms and foreign materials that have been taken up by the lymphocytes. When your body fights an infection. lymphocytes fill the lymph nodes.

What do lymph nodes do and why do they sometimes become large and tender?

Lymph nodes filter out microorganisms and foreign materials that have been taken up by the lymphocytes. When your body fights an infection. lymphocytes fill the lymph nodes.

What is reactive lymph node?

It's a lymph node that drains an inflamed area. The source of the inflammation can be bacterial-viral infection, immunological disease, or malignancy.

Can lymph nodes leak fluid?

Lymph nodes can produce and contain lymph fluid, but they do not typically leak fluid. If a lymph node is damaged or infected, it may become enlarged or tender, but leakage of lymphatic fluid from a lymph node is not a common occurrence.

Why do lymph nodes sometimes become large and tender?

Because the tissue fluid cannot get back to the blood.

What happens when the cervical lymph nodes are removed?

You have about 500 lymph nodes are there in your body. There are about 300 lymph nodes in your neck region only. It is not possible to remove them all. When you remove few lymph nodes, it does not affect your health adversely.

What are the symptoms of plauge?

Bubonic plague-affects the lymph nodes (another part of the lymph system). Within 3 to 7 days of exposure to plague bacteria, you will develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, weakness, and swollen, tender lymph glands (called buboes-hence the name bubonic).