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I am now 25 weeks pregnant, I have never had any symptoms (morning sicknes, swelling, nausea) I just started to feel the baby kick and move around, other than that I couldn't even say I felt any different

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

This is very normal, all women go through diffrent things when pregnant. Some have many ovbious symptoms such as throwing up, food cravings, going toilet all the time and the lucky ones don't! You should be glad.

Good Luck!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

No, not every woman experiences pregnancy symptoms.

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Q: 5wks pregnant but no other symptoms is this normal?
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I just had this happen I was between 8 & 9 weeks pregnant. I don’t want to scare you but I did Miscarry. unfortunately it was due to an ectopic pregnancy . πŸ₯Ί But i was also told that it could be normal because of the seed burring into your lining. so not all scenarios are the same. But PLEASE keep an eye on it. it can be very dangerous depending on whats going on. it could be totally normal but it’s better to be safe than sorry Hun. I hope everything works out for you and your little bean. β™₯️ Please update soon.

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Yes but rare i felt pregnant & GP organized a internal ultra sound scan a wk later & turns out i was 5wks 2 days so id only been 4 wks when id suspected.

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You are 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant and have been spotting for 3 weeks now it just turned bright red a week ago with some tissue but am fine other than that does this sound like a miscarriage?

Hi, can I first say that this is my experience and that you should see your doctor for a final verdict. Today I would have been 5wks pregnant, however 4 days ago I started experiencing what you have just described, some brown blood to start with and what looks like tissue/chunks, then red blood with tissue like discharge. I have just found out that my hcg levels are now 0 and I have miscarried. This is my 2nd miscarriage this year. I had already recognised some of my symptoms when they started such as the old blood turning red and the tissue so when I got the call I was prepared for the worst. I really hope everything is ok and you continue on with your pregnancy.

You are 8 weeks pregnant and already starting to showing up a bump Is your pregnancy normal or do you have twins?

Is this your first pregnancy?With my second pregnancy I had a bump showing from 5wks and I've only got one baby and she's a nice normal size. It's just the muscles are more relaxed second time round.thanks 4 replying dear.. yaa this is my first pregnancy. is everythg normal?