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Q: 3 parts of the muscular system?
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The muscular system tightens and releases what to move body parts?

muscular system

What muscular system is to cause movement of the body parts?

The brain.

What tightens releases to move body parts?

The muscular system

What are the major parts in the muscular system?

In simple words, muscles. In more abstract and thought porvoking concepts, the main parts are what an anthropophage would most appreciate, unless they are restricted to non solid diets, in which case they would be more concerned with the cullinary benefits of the skeletal system.

What are the common parts of muscular system?

The common parts of the muscular system are the fibers, which are striated, the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and skeletal muscle. There are also flexor muscles and extensors muscles, which aid in movement.

How do you use the word muscular endurance in a sentence?

Your muscular system consists of muscles and tendons, and is what moves your body. Here are some more sentences.I learned all the parts of the muscular system in science class.Your muscular system in needed to help you move.All animals have a muscular system of some sort.

How the Skeletal and the Muscular System Work Together?

they protect certain body parts

How many muscles are in a muscular system?

A muscle has three parts; the origin, insertion and belly.

What body system moves body parts?

The muscular system is responsible for moving body parts by contracting and relaxing muscles. Muscles work together with bones, tendons, and ligaments to create the coordinated movements needed for everyday activities.

How do the integumentary skeletal muscular system work together?

they protect certain body parts

Is the diaphragm parts of the respiratory system?

Diaphragm is not part of respiratory system but part of muscular system but it helps in breathing movements .yes

What three body systems require hand movement?

nervous, muscular, skeletal