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Only if it was punctured by the third head between the legs of men.

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Q: 3 hole between legs of women?
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Related questions

Why do girls have 3 holes between the legs?

The first hole is the urethra for urination. The middle is the vagina for birthing a child and sex. The third hole is the anus for bowel movements.

What is the difference between isopods and beetles?

isopods have 7 pairs of legs but beetles have 3 pairs of legs

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What can yhe missing number between 2 over 3 and the answer as 1 hole and 1 over 3?

Assuming that you are referring to 1 whole and not one hole, the answer would seem to depend on what operation (addition, subtraction, etc) with the missing number is involved.

Are 3 butterfly legs legs and are 3 butterfly legs arms?

I would say, "No" because they use all of their legs as legs to walk on. They don't use 3 legs to pick things up and move thing. So all their legs are legs.

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A man (2 legs) sat on three legs (a 3 legged stool), 4 legs (dog) jumped on 2 legs (man), 2 legs (man) got mad and threw 3 legs (stool) at 4 legs (dog). There are many variations of this.

You have cats and canariesThe number of canaries is somewhere between 3 and 4 times the number of cats There is a total of 44 legs How many cats do you own?

4 cats (16 legs) + 14 canaries (28 legs)4 * 3 = 124 * 4 = 1612 < 14 < 1616 + 28 = 44 legs.

What do girls have between their legs?

"There are 3 holes- the anus the urethra and the vagina" You don't pee out of your vagina. The third hole is the urethra, and it is further to the front than your vaginal opening. You wouldn't want to put a finger in it because bladder infections are easy to get and terribly painful.

Is this multiplication if 1 stool has 3 legs how many are there on 6 stools?

Yes. (3 legs)/(stool) * (6 stools) = 3 * 6 * legs = 18 legs.

2 legs are sittting on top of 3 legs. On top of 2 legs is 1 leg. Along comes 4 legs and took the 1 leg and the 2 legs got up off the three legs and threw the 3 legs at the 4 legs. What happened?

1 leg is a joint of meat. 2 legs is a person. 3 legs is a stool. 4 legs is a dog.

What has 4 legs when its small and 2 legs when its medium and 3 legs when its big?

4 legs is a baby crawling,2 legs is an adult standing, and 3 legs is and elder standing on 2 legs with a walking stick counting as a leg.

Why do short women like tall men?

True answer #1 Because they want to wear heels. True answer #2 Women in general like men a little taller than themselves. A woman who is 5'0" has the widest range of men available to her. True answer #3 They like tall men because they are tall.