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Your body could either have a hormone imbalance, your body could be having an urge for sexual attention without your mind's knowledge or you could be having a fungal infection. Get checked to be sure.

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Q: 3 days of clear thick discharge?
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Red Spotting mixed with white creamy cm 3 days before period?

Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.

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well about a week ago i was getting very thick discharge like white and clumpy then 3 days ago it was thinner but sticky and still sumwhat thick now today i have really thin clear discharge. which day does it sound like i was ovulating.. ? my period started April 29th and ended the 3rd. i had sex on may 13th. i don't know how long my cycle is tho but another question. what do you think my possibility of pregnancy is?

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Can brown discharge for 3 days be implantation spotting?

Yes, I believe it can. I have not had implantation but 2 friends have (1 had it 3 times) yes

Is too much clear sticky discharge bad for a woman?

Not at all. Your vaginal discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle. What you're describing sounds like spinnbarkeit or eggwhite cervical fluid. It is produced during the 3-4 days prior to ovulation and signals that unprotected sex during this time may lead to pregnancy.

Had unprotected sex on sept 20 3 days later had clear light yellowwhite discharge up until 27th came on period light on pad but pee blood in toliet?

do a pregnancy test, it is still possible to have your period while your pregnant.

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3-4 days

You had 2-3 days ago sex nd nw you discharge white fluid is dis the sign of pregnancy?

No as a discharge can never be a sign of pregnancy, a missed period is a sign.

How many days does implantation bleeding last?

Implantation bleeding typically lasts 1-2 days, though it may be lighter and shorter than a typical menstrual period. It can vary in duration and may range from a few hours up to 3 days. If bleeding continues for more than a few days or is heavy, it's best to consult a healthcare provider.