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Nadia Heidenreich

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What is a mutagen

an environmental angent that changes DNA. APEX

What is the purpose of transcription

Transcription is the process in which part of the nucleotide sequence of DNA is copied into a complementary sequence RNA. Transcription is helps to preserve the spoken way that allows it to be easily stored and examined in the future. Transcription allows a piece to be referenced in the future.

How does the process of translation convert information

From a nucleic acid code to an amino acid code

Which type of mutation does not change the amino acids produced

Well consider the substitution of one hydrophillic amino acid for another hydrophillic amino acid. This type of mutation changes nothing but a molecular marker.



Why is protein synthesis different in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

In prokaryotes, DNA is stored in the cytoplasm.

also prokaryotes have no nucleus

In prokaryotes, transcription and translation happen at the same time.

What describes a DNA mutation

changes in the DNA sequence

How is information converted in translation

From nucleic acids to amino acids

A mutation occurs in the sex cells of a full-grown zebra. The mutation affects the genes responsible for producing blood proteins. What will most likely happen to the zebra

The zebra will have offspring who cannot produce blood proteins.

Which best describes mRNA is produced in a cell

mrna is made by RNA polymers, using DNA as a template.

Why does a detetion mutation usually cause more defect during protein synthesis than point mutation

Mutation usually causes the entire base sequence to defect. This usually happens during the protein synthesis.

Which amino acid chain will be formed by the codons shown below ACU CCA UCG

Asn- Lys- Asp (Apex 2021)

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What is a mutagen

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What is a mutagen

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What is a mutagen

What is the purpose of transcription

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What is a mutagen

What is the purpose of transcription

What is the amino acid sequence that is coded for the mRNA sequence AUG-ACG-AAA-AGA-AGG-GGA-GCC-GCU-UCC-UAA

How are genes and proteins related

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