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ummm...yes...go get a pregnancy test.

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Q: You have every symptom of pregnancy except the sore breasts does that mean you can still be pregnant?
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Is my girlfriend gaining weight or is she pregnant because she's not experiencing any symptoms of pregnancy except fatigue and bigger breasts which one is she?

Could be either. If she's missed her period, she needs to take a pregnancy test

Could you be pregnant if taking estelle 35 ed tablets which arent really to prevent pregnancy but to control acne and still have your period but have every pregnancy symptom except morning sickness?

If you haven't stopped your period, and you aren't getting morning sickness, Then WHAT are these pregnancy symptoms you say you are experiencing?

What if you were having symptoms of pregnancy like stomach ache feet ache breast pain from last 12days and suddenly you have periods?

Then you're not pregnant. Those are just PMS symptoms (except foot pain, which isn't really a pregnancy symptom either until about 32+ weeks)

Can your ovaries hurt the first week of pregnancy?

Pain in the ovaries is not a symptom of pregnancy. There is no reason for your ovaries to hurt, except maybe in later pregnancy when the baby is taking up a lot of nearby space.

Are these pregnancy symptoms?

There are many symptoms that could indicate pregnancy. Swollen and tender breasts are one symptom. Weight gain, nausea, and exhaustion are some other more common symptoms. Some or all could be indications that you are pregnant but all could also be symptoms of something else.

Can pregnancy bring on your period?

No, being pregnant means your periods stop, except in rare cases.

Can you move out of your parents house if your 16 and pregnant?

No, you are pregnant not emancipated. You don't have more rights now than you did before the pregnancy except when it comes to your child.

If you had a miscarriage at 7 wks and now feel same symptoms except for sore breasts could you be pregnant if period due in 2days and 2 neg hpt unprotected sex 8-13 days ago?

It is a little early for a home pregnancy test so wait until the day of your period, and if it does not come do the test then.

My breasts were fine but they stopped growing when they only just started what do i do?

The size of your breasts are determined by DNA. When you gain weight all you are adding is fat to your breasts and this has been shown to be a contributing factor in some breast cancers. Your breasts will change when you become pregnant. There is nothing you can do, except surgery, to change the size of your breasts. Some breast exercises will firm them, but not add to size. Get a good bra that also helps.

When your mom was pregnant her tests said not pregnant you think im now pregnant but your tests say not pregnant could this be a pass down thing?

Sometimes this can run in families but there isn't much explantation for why this happens; except for low HCG in urine. If you believe you may be pregnant, purchase a pregnancy test that looks for less than 50MIU. The MIU will be written on the box. A lot of the less expensive and basic looking pregnancy tests look for a lower amount of HCG.

Dy 27 prior to your period you have no sickness or signs of pregnancy except that your breasts are feeling full and i get your period day 25 or 26 you took a HPT and it is negative neg am i pregnant?

You could be. It is best to take a hpt 5 to 10 days after a missed period to get the most accurate result, otherwie you can get a false negative. Normally a women is late at some time or another. (Stress & eating habits are 2 common reasons why a period is late...Other then pregnancy that is)

Is a tinny or metal taste in your mouth a symptom of pregnancy?

It's possible that I'm pregnant. I haven't had many other symptoms except the past couple weeks off and on I get the taste of metal in my mouth. My friend told me it was a symptom but I've never heard that. I am pregnant and I have noticed a weird taste in my mouth. I get the metallic taste in my mouth right before my period, so maybe it is hormonal. Yes! If you do an internet search for "pregnancy symptoms" you will find that having a metal taste in mouth is among the top symptoms. When I have pregnant of my first baby, the first thing I notice was that metal taste in my mouth which I nerver had before. Now, we are trying for a second child (we should know for sure this week-end), I got the same metal taste in my mouth for the past 3 days. No...I got a metallic taste in my mouth and have had it for the past 4 days. Ive been on the pill for years and was freaking out that I was pregnant, I felt like I had other symptoms too. I took 4 urine tests and a blood test and all of them were negative. Turns out I was dehydrated.