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Q: Where does corrugated card come from?
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What is is corrugated card?

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i pimped out my dog with corrugated card for £99999999954.00 how cheap was that

What are the advantages and disadvantages of corriflute?

it is manufactured in one piece, unlike the corrugated card, that is manufactured in layers that are glued together. Another advantage is that corrugated plastic repels water, unlike card which soaks it up and eventually disintegrate

Corrugated manufacturer?

Corrugated Box manufacturer

How Corrugated box is important?

Why Corrugated Box Industry is growing? You can see the example of corrugated box manufacturers..

What are corrugated tubes used for?

"Corrugated tubes can be used for storage, but largely, corrugated tubes are used for shipping." A lot of corrugated tubes are used to store and ship posters and other artwork.

Sentence with corrugated?

corrugated means shaped in to wavy folds and ridges

Why diaphragm of a pressure gauge is corrugated?

These are corrugated to increase the sensitivity of the pressure gauge.

What is the name of the plastic sheet that looks like corrugated cardboard?

Corrugated Plastic

Why is a vacuum cleaner hose corrugated?

It is corrugated so it can bend without collapsing.

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corrugated card glue paint sellotape grass shoe box