What a DUMB answer, where did your parents buy you, at the Idiot Store??
There are many places where one can buy sphinx oriental weavers. One can buy sphinx oriental weavers at popular on the web sources such as Rug Studio and Macy's.
Central Camera in Chicago (centralcamera.com) has it...but hold on tight, it's $45 a roll.
Restaurants/fast food buy their food from a central food delivery business. Sometimes with a franchise they send the food to the franchises that they sell.
I wish I knew. If anyone knows please tell. Weaver re-introduced it but not sure who carries it.
You can buy chicken wire from Home Depot. It cost $19.77 a roll. It is rust proof and will not corrode. It is also easy to cut and does not leave jagged or frayed edges. You can also order some from Amazon and depending on who you're buyer is you can have it here in a couple of days.
You can buy a chicken from a farmer, or from a shop.
You can buy chicken diapers online at my pet chicken. they come in all different sizes, so you can get one that fits your chicken perfectly
'''You buy it from farmers'''.
Well you buy chicken and then you put it into orange chicken
You can buy chicken cook at your local supermarket or store, almost every supermarket should have what you are looking for. Or go to a chicken restaurant.
I'm interested in buying some chicken pills, I know you can buy them in jamacia but can I buy them on the internet?