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Q: What will be the temp of water stored inside refrigerator?
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Why cant you put glass with water inside the refrigerator?

Water expands when it becomes ice.So the glass will break if you put a glass of water inside the refrigerator. I put glasses of water inside my refrigerator all the time.It keeps it cold. If your glass is freezing and breaking you need to check your temp setting.

How many hours does a typical refrigerator stay on?

It depends COMPLETELY on the temperature (and humidity to a lesser extent) outside the refrigerator. If the ambient temp is below - say 40 degrees - the inside temp of the refrigerator, then it need not be on at all. If its hot enough than it won't be able to stay cool inside even if it runs continually.

Why does your refrigerator turn off on back on frequently?

it turns on to regulate the temp inside and off once it's reached

What is the proper temp for a refrigerator?


What do the coils outside of a refrigerator do?

The coils outside of a refrigerator release heat from inside the refrigerator to the surrounding air, helping to keep the inside of the refrigerator cool. This process allows the refrigerator to maintain the desired temperature for storing food and other items.

How does water get cold?

Water cools to the environment around it. a lake will have water colder in the deeper areas while warmer at the surface. Water in a refrigerator cools to the inside of the fridge because the inside temp is the surrounding that the water chills to.

Why should high risk foods be stored at 190 F?

Because if it is any lower, then it would be in a refrigerator. Anywhere between the temp of a fridge and the temp of 190 F would make bacteria grow on the food and thus make a customer sick.

What temp can shrimp be defrosted in?

You can defrost them in hot water in the sink if you plan to cook them right away. If not, defrost them in the refrigerator over night.

Can blood for transfusion put in refrigerator?

YES, blood packs that are in the "Blood bank" are stored in fridges to slightly prolong the "shelf life" of the pack. When a pack is to be used it first must be brought up to room temp.

Why do refrigerators leak water.?

Assuming that it's not a leak in the ice-maker or cold water dispenser... Water condenses inside a refrigerator and on the freezer coils. When that water is removed (self defrosting freezers) it drains down a tube and to a tray at the bottom of the refrigerator. The HOPE is that the water in the tray evaporates, but sometimes, especially if you live in a very humid area, the condensate will build up faster than it will evaporate from the tray.

Why there is a magnet in the refrigerator doors?

to seal it from ambiant temp out side the fridge

What kind are the best for storing wine?

When it comes to wine refrigerators it is very important to purchase one with temp control. Different wines need to be stored at different temperatures. A Thermoelectric wine refrigerator would be the best to purchase.