The current total local sales tax rate in Scottsdale, AZ is 7.950%.
The current total local sales tax rate in Tucson, AZ is 8.1%
The current total local sales tax rate in Peoria, AZ is 8.100%.
Tucson (zip 85741), AZ,sales tax rate was 9.10% at the time of this post ('Sources and related links' below has the current rate). Income tax is 4.79%.
The current total local sales tax rate in Scottsdale, AZ is 7.95%
The current total local sales tax rate in Tucson, AZ is 8.1%
'Sources and related links' below has the latest rate. It was 9.3% when this was posted.
Look in 'Sources and related links' below for the current rate. It was 9.3% at the time of this post.
'Sources and related links' below has the current rate. It was 9.3% at the time of the post.
you pay tax for the state in which you will be registering it.
Any private seller would save you the sales tax
peoria, az