The following is copied from: How_big_is_a_cantaloupe:"A cantaloupe is usually about a half a foot in diameter or less.Roughly the size of your head."So, this equates to approximately 15 cm or less.A cantaloupe is usually about a half a foot in diameter or less.Roughly the size of your head.
actually.. 1 clementine = 1 portion per: lesliebeck. You can check out the website.
It depends on where you are located and what price your closest gorocery store has decided on. that of course depends on where you buy it, what season it is and the size of the fruit. In Canada you can purchase a cantaloupe for $3 most of the time.
Cantaloupe does not contain salt.
Cantaloupe Cantaloupe
The cantaloupe has 4 layers.
cantaloupe just like you spelled it.
how to graft a cantaloupe and watermelon
Depends how big the cantaloupe is...
In Australia, cantaloupe is known as rockmelon.
That depends on the size of the cantaloupe. However, in the average size, there would be more than 3 cups in just one of the melons.
Yes. In Australia, cantaloupe is called rockmelon.