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The information below is from the Web site Wikipedia, but I felt it was important to mention before answering the question: As defined by the US Census Bureau, the Northeast region of the United States covers nine states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia are often included in the region as well. Many government agencies, like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) include Maryland, Delaware and Washington D.C. in the Northeast. Although corn is grown in all of the states noted above, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are the three Northeast states that presently grow corn in mass or large-scale 'production' or quantities. So if you are are looking to produce corn-based ethanol, you might want to look to the Midwest.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

grapes,cranberry,pancakes with maple syrup,crab and fish

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Corn, wheat, soybeans, flour, and peanut butter

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βˆ™ 13y ago

corn, soybeans, wheat, potatoes...

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Corn, wheat and canola.

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Q: What crops are grown in the Midwest region states?
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What type of crops are grown on a commercial farm?

That heavily depends on where. Assuming you mean the United States, there are many crops grown in the Midwest, such as corn, wheat, soybeans, and cotton.

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Crops of soft white spring wheat are mostly grown in the eastern United States and in California. Regular or "hard" wheat is grown in the Midwest US.

What major crops are common in both the south and Midwest region?

Common major crops grown in both the South and Midwest regions include corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. These crops are well-suited to the climate and soil conditions of these regions, making them key players in the agricultural industry.

Compare and contrast the agricultural conditions and crops grown in various parts of the region?

In North America, corn, wheat, and soybeans are major crops grown in the Midwest. In South America, Brazil is a major producer of soybeans, coffee, and sugarcane. In Europe, wheat, barley, and rapeseed are common crops grown across the continent. Each region has specific agricultural conditions such as climate, soil type, and topography that influence the type of crops grown.

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The most common crops grown in the southern region of the United States include soybeans, cotton, corn, wheat, peanuts, and rice. These crops thrive in the warm and humid climate of the southern states. Additional crops like sugarcane, tobacco, and citrus fruits are also grown in specific areas within the region.

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The best region for farming depends on the type of crops being grown and the climate preferences of those crops. However, regions with fertile soil, adequate water supply, and a moderate climate are generally ideal for farming. Some examples include the Midwest region in the United States, the Nile River Valley in Egypt, and the Punjab region in India.

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the plain states

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What are the field crops grown in The province of Philippines in Region 1?

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