If you go to any HotTopic store, there are a few different octopus necklaces you can but for under $15.
you can go to hottopic
They are everywhere mostly in malls though
It depends where the store is located
hottopic is where i shop great place good prices
Yes their is....it is opening up soon! :)
Any sports store or hypermarket should have it.
Hottopic is for girls and boys.
They don't have any physical shops in the UK, but they do have an online store that serves UK and Europe. Link below. Ninjaturtle18 reply: Oh thanks!
Yes there are Hottopics in both New Jersey and New York.
~ Go to http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/Homepage.jsp and scroll down to the very bottom and click on "Find a Store" hopefully they have on in your area.
You Can Get Snapback Hats At Common Hat Stores. There's Also HotTopic You Can Go To. Spencer's Also Has Snapback Hats But The Store Itself Can Be Inappropriate. Really Any Hat Store Might Most Likely Have Some. If They Don't Then Search Around.