No the Vortman cookies were not recalled in 2012 when some peanut butter products were recalled.
shifted to the left
No. Peanut butter has no poisons in it unless it was the one that was recalled recently. The one recalled came from a peanut place in Georgia, USA because that recalled peanut butter was recalled because of Salmonella. Another possible problem with improperly processed peanut butter could be mycotoxins. If the peanuts aren't grown and handled properly, mold could grow on the peanuts and form mycotoxins. Some mycotoxins are known to cause cancer.
No, Frito Lay uses no products made by Peanut Corporation of America. Our peanut butter crackers and cookies are safe
yes it is okay to eat it now
The 2009 peanut products recall started on January 10, 2009 when King Kut recalled their peanut butter, which was packed for them by PCA.
The best thing to do about recalled product questions is to look on the list of FDA recalls and check the company's website. See Related Links. It appears that Herr's is not involved in the current recall of peanut butter. Herr 's website says they are not part of the recall -see the link to their site here: