Origination of the name tin roof ice cream where did the name tin roof ice cream come?
There are several probabilities of the origins of the Tin Roof
Laws were passed in the US Midwest prohibiting the selling of
Soda water on Sunday.
Area soda fountains got around this law by offering the Ice
Cream Sundae as an alternative to Soda. Ice Cream topped with syrup
with no soda added was not breaking the law.
The Tin roof sundae was a version of the Cherry sundae sold by
Chester Platt in 1893. Platt's soda fountain in Ithaca New York was
popular at the time and several area fountains added various
toppings. Chocolate syrup and peanuts made up the "TIN ROOF"
topping based on the original sound of the peanuts being removed
from the cans in which they were sold, like the sound of rain on a
tin roof.