The price will vary depending on store, but online it averages around $15 a pound.
Bacon cost 29 cents per pound in 1963.
Bacon can cost anywhere from $2 a pound to $30 a pound. It all depends on the cut, how it was cured, quality and age.
How much a pound of bacon costs at Walmart will depend upon what brand you purchase. Most brands of bacon will range from $4 to $7 a pound.
One pound of bacon in the supermarket cost around $4. So, 400 pounds of bacon would be $1,600. This depends on the brand of the bacon.
it cost 3.80 mary curtis twitty wrote this
4$ Canadian
In the 1930's a pund of bacon would cost about 11 in a half cents.
in 1933 it cost 11 and a half cents
Anywhere from 52 cents to 3 dollars a pound.
One pound of bacon costs about 3.70 wherever you go. Some places it is only 2.00.
16 ounces is a pound of bacon, or 18 to 20 slices.
Canadian bacon isn't ham. Canada Bacon is pretty much just regular bacon.