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40 bucks a month, and there's a $75 joining fee.

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Q: How much are union dues for Kroger Grocery Stores?
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Do minors have to pay union dues?

Yes - if a minor works for a company that is unionized (as are many grocery stores) they are required to pay union dues whether they join the union or not. Note: these are fixed amounts, not % of pay. When a minor, or anyone, works at one of these companies part-time and for minimum wage their salaries can be reduced by >20% from these dues. If you think I'm wrong, have your child work at a Kroger grocery store.

What union is Kroger?

yes Kroger is a union company. You pay union dues each week, but it really helps

Why am I forced to pay union dues to work at Dillons Grocery store when I only work 15 to 20 hours a week and make minimum wage?

You are not forced to pay union dues if your dept. is a union dept. You are automatically in the union and the dues are optional. Contact your union rep and tell him to cancell your dues. I don't know what state you are in but in Ks. you are not forced to pay these dues.

When was Union Dues created?

Union Dues was created on 2001-05-14.

What type of legal action can the union take when they find out that they overlooked deduction of union dues?

If the employer doesn't deduct you union dues, you are still obligated to pay your dues. Read your bylaws and constitution, to determine your particular circumstance (these documents will tell you what your union can do when you do not pay your dues).

How much does ralphs grocery store pay in California?

at least 8.00 since that's minimum wage..and im sure they minus union dues out of that every paycheck

What is the union dues for doctors?

Union dues are a regular payment of money made by members of a union. They are the cost of membership, and fund the various activities which the union engages in.

What are the effects of unionization?

You will have to pay union dues. But then again you will make more money being in a union, which more than cover the cost of your dues.

What is the law to have union dues sent to a charity instead of the union?


Can you have union dues stopped being deducted from your pay check but instead have the dues contributed to a recognized charity what forms are required and will the union still represent the member?

Assuming your wanting to stop paying union dues because your not happy with your current union, it is not possible to simply stop paying your dues. However as mentioned it IS possible to have your union dues donated to any recognized charity or church. All you have to due is fill out some papers aknowledging your wishes and your done. If you do decide to do this, your Union is still obligated (by law) to represent you.

Which of these limited high union membership dues and union contributions to political campaign funds?

The Taft-Hartley Act limited high dues for union membership as well as union contributions to political campaign funds.

What limited high union membership dues and union contributions to political campaign funds?

The Taft-Hartley Act limited high dues for union membership as well as union contributions to political campaign funds.