Elkton, MD, far outside the Pepco service territory, according to whitepages.com and his own testimony in front of the House Economic Matters Committee in Annapolis.
18 miles
Annapolis, MD is approximately 29 feet (8.8 meters) above sea level.
Distance: 30.7 miles (about 42 minutes)
It is 32.4 miles (49 minutes by car) from Annapolis MD to Washington DC according to google maps UK
I hope not
It is 723 miles according to Google Maps.
About 7,000 nautical miles.
According to trueknowledge.com, it is 29.83 miles from Towson to Annapolis.
About 201 miles.
Annapolis, MD, is home of the US Naval Academy. It is commonly referred to as "Annapolis", as in "the officer attended Annapolis".