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Quelle boulangerie ? is the translation for which bakery? in French.

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Q: How do you say which bakery in French?
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the bakery is 'la boulangerie' in French.

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Bienvenu a la boulangerie

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La boulangerie, une boulangerie (feminine noun).

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boulangerie (which means bakery, where you buy bread.)

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French Meadow Bakery was created in 1985.

What is the french word for bakery?

A bakery = Une boulangerie

What is a boulangery?

It is a bakery in French.

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Tagalog translation of BAKERY: panaderya

What kind of information is provided at the website La Farm Bakery?

The La Farm Bakery is an authentic French bakery located in North Carolina. The website offers information about the bakery, location and also it's products.