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there are different fuctional areas, if you don't know then i suggest to look it up in Google also then look up functional areas in tescos you know, what you would do when you find other stuff

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i look up to the sky and thik the world is mine

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Q: How do functional areas of tesco support each other?
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How do tesco acheieve their aims and objectives by the use of functional areas?

tesco has many aims and objectives

What are the functional areas of sainsbury's?

•Tesco must operate by using their functional areas without these areas there wouldn't be much of a business. The main functional areas are finance, human resources, marketing and Administration.

What are the functional areas of tescoo?

The functional areas of Tesco include operations, marketing, finance, human resources, and supply chain management. These areas work together to ensure the company runs smoothly and efficiently, meeting the needs of both customers and stakeholders.

Is Tesco a geographic or functional business?

Tesco is a functional business. It operates primarily in the retail sector, providing groceries and a variety of other products and services to consumers. It is not specifically tied to a geographic region, as it has locations and operations in multiple countries.

what is primary goals of the tesco?

Tesco's core purpose (mission) is simple: 'We make what matters better, together. ' Once aims are established, functional areas within a business then devise department-based strategies to ensure goals are achieved.

How does sales and marketing functional areas work together in tesco's?

they sing we're all in this together from high school musical because they're cool like that

Interaction of functional areas?

Interaction of functional areas is when different departments within a company work together to reach to reach different aims and objectives. This is good because it makes life easier for the company i.e. Tesco as a large company they wll have different departments. dass all your getting Abi Dun No blud shut the fuj up man fuj you thats what functional areas mean fujker bruv famz

How do tesco acheieve their aims and objectives by the use of functional areas 46k?

they use the discrimination law which favours their way of the running of the business and with this they are able to cut the cost of the revnue which makes them a well run business.

What is the purpose of functional areas in business?

•The purpose of functional areas is to make sure that separate tasks like getting stock, paying the bills, serving the customers and dealing with any inquiries or complaints. E.g. In Tesco customers may want to know about when different items will be available or complain about anything bad about the current products that are in store and able to buy.

What are the functional areas of tesco?

Jakir your actually doing work alhamdurillah sammut get on with your own work and stop looking at his screen.Read more: What_are_the_funtional_areas_in_tesco

How does the ICT department support Tesco an organisation?

b gbgb

Are Tesco diets better than other diet plans?

Tesco diets offer personalized plans and support to help you lose weight. If you are someone who needs structure and support in your diet then this would be a good plan for you. Since there are so many options for diet plans out there, pick the one you feel the most comfortable with so you will have the best chance of suceeding.