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No, the 's or s' make the word (usually a known) possessive - (belonging to the thing).

For instance if a store as a front window, then it is the store's front window (it belongs to the store).

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Q: Do you put a apostrophe in a stores name that ends in an s?
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You put an apostrophe after the z ie. This is Baz' chair.

Where do you put the apostrophe in White Soxs taxes?

White Sox's taxes The rule is to add the 's after the owner unless the owners name ends in a vowel in which case the apostrophe is added at the end of the s'.

When to put an apostrophe outside a word?

If it shows possession and ends in the letter s.

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Last Names could be anything so your question isn't valid.You could just put some letters together and it could be a last name and probably is somewhere.

When do you put the apostrophe after the word?

When it's a plural possessive that already ends in -s. girls' dresses singers' voices

Do you put an apostrophe after S's?

Yes, when creating the possessive form of a singular noun that ends in "s," you can either add an apostrophe followed by another "s" (S's) or just an apostrophe (S'). Both forms are considered correct.

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Well if her name is "Agne" then the apostrophe would go here "Agne's ". However, if her name is "Agnes" then the apostrophe would go here "Agnes' "

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Where do you put the apostrophe for the plural possessive form in the word brothers?

To form the possessive of a plural noun that ends with an s, place the apostrophe after the ending s: brothers'Example: My brothers' names are Jeff and Joe.

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If Williams is a family name, the plural would be the Williamses.

When do you put an apostrophe on its?

after the t (it's) You put an apostrophe on 'its' if it's a contraction of "it is." Otherwise, 'its' has no apostrophe because that's its nature.

When is it 's or s'?

If the word ends in s, then you can put the apostrophe after; for example, girl's means belonging to the girl, but girls' means belonging to the girls.