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Q: Can rotting food causes maggots to hatch in frig?
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How do maggots get inside corpses and rotten food?

Flies are drawn to the rotting material and get inside of it and lay their eggs. When the eggs hatch, there are the maggots. They then feed on the rotting meat.

Can flys mate?

Yes they mate and then lay eggs in meat or rotting food which hatch maggots that turn into fly's

Why does an adult housefly lay eggs on rotting food?

The fly eggs hatch into larvae (also known as maggots) that feed on the protein and eventually pupate (cocoon) to become adult flies.

Where do flies begin their life?

Flies begin their life cycle as eggs, which are usually laid in decaying organic matter such as rotting food or animal waste. The eggs hatch into larvae, also known as maggots, which feed on the organic material. After a period of development, the larvae pupate and eventually emerge as adult flies.

What causes maggots in food?

the sweat on the the food

Where do you get magets from?

You get maggots from fly eggs. When food is not properly washed or cooked and stored in the open, it makes for optimal conditions for the eggs to hatch and the larvae, or maggots, to hatch and nourish themselves.

How do magets get om food?

Maggots are the larvae of regular flies which lay there eggs in old food/meat/faeces. These eggs hatch into maggots which eventually become flies. So it goes, eggs ---> maggots ---> flies

How do maggots appear on rotting food in airtight container?

Maggots may have come from eggs laid by flies on the food before it was sealed in the container. It is possible that some eggs or larvae were already present on the food before sealing, allowing them to develop into maggots even in an airtight environment.

Why do housefly eggs laid in the meat?

Houseflies lay their eggs on rotting meat so their maggots have a source of food on hatching.

What are leeches and maggots and where do they live?

Leeches are blood sucking parasites, they are normally found in body's of fresh water. Maggots are fly larvae they can be found in rotting food or carcases ( like a dead body, maggots can be found where flys have laid eggs), an example is maggots can found in cans of raw mushrooms.

Does a filthy kitchen cause maggots?

No, maggots are the offspring of flies. However,a filthy kitchen will often attract flies, which then lay their eggs around protein deposits so their offspring will have food when they hatch.

What do Maggot's eat?

Maggots eat any type of food, including rotten fruit, and dead bodies. Bleach alone will NOT kill them. Use boiling water; then the bleach. Do not leave any food out of your fridge or you'll have a nursery of baby maggots. If you have a garbage disposal use it and put any the leftovers in there or feed stray animals. If your food is rotting throw it away before it's infested with maggots....that's the last thing you need just make sure you follow these rules and you'll be fine.