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Why would you register it? It is valid in both countries. Your marriage certificate would be recognized as valid if you needed proof.

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Q: You got married in the US you both have dual citizenship how do you register your marriage in Mexico?
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How do you get a marriage licenes from Mexico?

By getting married in Mexico.

Is your marriage even legal if you were married and he never got citizenship and was later deported to Mexico?

If he was free to marry and you married him legally then you are married.If he was free to marry and you married him legally then you are married.If he was free to marry and you married him legally then you are married.If he was free to marry and you married him legally then you are married.

How can your fiancee from Mexico and you obtain a marriage license in Iowa if he is illegal?

You cannot obtain a marriage license unless he is legal. It would be best to focus on him obtaining citizenship so you can get married.

You married in Mexico last week and now want it to be legal in Pennsylvania you brought home your marriage license from Mexico What process do you have to go through to make a it legal?

You need a copy of your marriage certificate from Mexico. That is your proof that you are married.

Is is best to marry an illegal Mexican alien who has been here for 4 years in Mexico or the USA?

Maybe Mexico would be better. Mexico does not recongnize a marriage from the US with its citzens,however you can register the US marriage in Mexico to make it valid. Just to clarify: Mexico does recognize a marriage from the US (or any country)between aforeigner and a Mexican citizen, however you need to take the marriage license to have it apostille, then in Mexico you take it to the "Registro Civil" where it is registered. As for where to get married it depends on whether you want him/her to apply for the green card. In which case you have a lot of paperwork to do and waitwith patience.

What if you marry in Mexico then marry someone else in the USA then divorce the person you married in Mexico do you then have to remarry the person you married in the USA for that marriage to be legal?

The real question here is, did you register your divorce in Mexico with the US embassy or councilate? If you did then you may have just found yourself in a legal bind. If the marriage in Mexico was never registered in the US then you are probably in the clear. Check it out with a lawyer just to be on the safe side.

I want to marry a man from the UK we've been dating for 8 years he wants to get married in NYC then he will go back to the UK can we do that?

Im an English guy and married an American. Its easier to get a Visa in USA than it is in Britain. but there shouldn't be any problems. You will probably want extra copies of the marriage license and certificate so that you can register the marriage in the UK. I was the best man at a wedding in Mexico and we needed four sets of papers to return to the US and properly register the marriage.

Can a foreigner obtain citizenship by virtue of same-sex marriage?

Foreign residents may apply for citizenship based on their same-sex marriage to a citizen in 19 countries worldwide. The United States is not one of those countries, but Canada and Mexico are.

Is my marriage legal in mexico when you only married legally in california?

If you both have lived in Mexico, got married then you would immigrate to Canada as husband and wife and it is legal in Canada.

Are you legally married if you live in the UK married in Mexico but never registered the marriage in the UK?

If your marriage was legal in Mexico then you are legally married. You need to obtain a divorce or the Mexican marriage may come back to haunt you some day. If you remarried in the UK without obtaining a divorce that marriage would be invalid and would be exposed if your husband ever showed up.

Are you legally married in the US if you have a spouse in Mexico?

Yes. Your marriage will be recognized in the U.S.

If you get married in Mexico is it recognized in Illinois?

A valid marriage performed in Mexico is recognized in the United States as long as you have appropriate proof of said marriage. In Mexico there are two ceremonies, the religious and the civil marriage. Civil marriage is recognized in Mexico and worldwide, and requires that the couple provide the required documents such as birth certificate, blood tests, etc., at the time of the marriage.