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I misspelled my wife's name (beneficiary) on life insurance policy. What I can do?

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Q: Will a misspelled name on the death certificate affect claiming life insurances?
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Being claimed as a dependent can affect eligibility for food stamps because the income and resources of the person claiming you may be considered when determining your eligibility. This means that if the person claiming you has a higher income, it could impact your ability to qualify for food stamps.

Can claiming a life insurance policy affect unemployment benefits?

Generall not since unemployment benefits are related to earned income from losing a job.

What is the value of a 1935 D one dollar certificate with plate number 6372?

It's actually called a silver certificate, and the plate number doesn't affect its value. Please see the Related Question for more.

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At least half the blue book value. Baal aged cars are sometimes uninsurable or insurances costs are much higher. Vsonthe value of the car is much much less

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What is the value of silver certificate C79454367J?

Please post a new question with the denomination and condition. The serial number is not needed since they rarely affect the bills value.

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The Cost of the Actual SR22 certificate is usually little or nill, It's the associated Offense that may affect your Auto Insurance Rate

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Claiming a dependent is not dependent on the child support issue but rather on the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

What is the value of a one dollar silver certificate with a blue seal series 1957A with number E 647?

Please see the link below. E 647 is a plate number that does not affect the bill's value.

What is a silver certificate number N45326440 A worth?

Serial numbers are counters and a security feature but rarely affect a bill's value. Please check your bill's denomination, date, and what letter if any is next to the date, then enter the question "What is the value of a (date) US (denom & letter) dollar silver certificate?" - for ex. "What is the value of a 1934 D US 5 dollar silver certificate?" Some collectors will pay extra for numbers with a special pattern, e.g. 12345678, or low numbers such as 00000015.

What is the value of a 5 dollar silver certificate 1934 A serial number I73986427A with a blue seal?

About $6 to $8. BTW, you don't need to post bills' serial numbers. They almost never affect a bill's value.