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Many people make nearly as much on unemployment as working. If unemployment ran forever, it is likely that fewer people would ever find work.

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Q: Why is there a specific amount of time people can collect unemployment?
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To lay and collect taxes is to impose a specific amount the taxes are, and to collect taxes is to literally collect the taxes from people.

Can a realtor collect unemployment benefits in Illinois?

People who work on commission only basis are not eligible.

If you own a business and sell it can you collect unemployment?

No. No. No. Unemployment is only for salaried (waged) people.

Can you collect unemployment if you are part time in Wisconsin?

Answer:Sometimes with a family, people are forced into part time work and are unable to make ends meet. Most states allow you to collect unemployment if working part time, under certain circumstances. Some may have you collect on a former employer if you are still in the benefit year and you had claimed unemployment before your present job. Much depends on the state you work in and their criteria. Contact your state unemployment office for clarification.

Is there a penalty period for resigning from your job and then seeking to collect unemployment in Colorado?

In general, you don't get unemployment if you resign. Unemployment is designed for people who lose their jobs due to circumstances beyond their control, not for people who just don't want to work anymore. There may be some exceptions and you should check with your local unemployment office to be certain.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits and workmans compensation benefits at the same time in the state of Texas?

No. You would collect Workman's Compensation benefits because you were unable to work, thus disqualifying you from collecting unemployment (you have to be seeking full time employment to qualify for this).

Can you collect unemployment in California if your 40 hours get cut to 32 hours?

No, it is not hard. The Related Link below refers to partial benefits due to reduced earnings, etc.

Worldwide depression caused widespread unemployment how many million people werw jobless in Germany in 1932?

Well, about a good amount of millions had unemployment.

What is the expanded definition of unemployment?

expanded unemployment: expanded=grown, larger, greater amount of, more unemployment=the percentage of people without a steady income, or do not have a paying job, someone who is not employed, a person who should be looking for a new job expanded unemployment=when there is a greater amont of people without a job

How might the government reduce the amount of frictional unemployment?

aploy more people so they will not be uniployed

How many people are unemployed in Wisconsin?

As of September 2021, there were approximately 107,000 unemployed people in Wisconsin, with an unemployment rate of about 3.9%.

What is the maximum unemployment you can draw in Tennessee?

As long as the pension is not in excess of the weekly benefit amount, unemployment may still be collected. In other words, if the UI benefit is 200 dollars, and the pension is less than that, the amount of the pension will be deducted from the benefit.