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Q: Why government need to provide public good for what reason?
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Which is not a reason for the government to provide a good or service as a public good?

Having more consumers would increase a private providers cost.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the government to provide a good or service as a public good?

Increasing the number of consumers would increase the cost to a private provider.

Which is not a reason for the government to provide a good?


Can the market provide a public good on its own?

can the market provide a public goods on its own? government policies about public goods?

what is the 14th amendment . and what does it do?

 the 14th amendment ensures that the federal government can't limit citizens' basic rights without a good reason (such as public safety)

What is a public franchise?

It is a right granted to a firm by government that permits the firm to provide a particular good or service and excludes all others from doing so.

What are the weaknesses of public bank?

It is not always funded by the government money. It is not always seen as the most secure investment. It cannot provide as good of customer service.

What is a justification for taxation in democracy?

Taxes are (supposed to be) used towards the public good, to provide services that no one besides government is going to provide because it simply is not profitable. A good example is roads. If the government did not use tax money to build roads, no one else would because there is no profit in it.

How do you fire an administrator of an estate in Georgia?

You must petition the court to have them removed and replaced and provide a good reason for the court to take that action.You must petition the court to have them removed and replaced and provide a good reason for the court to take that action.You must petition the court to have them removed and replaced and provide a good reason for the court to take that action.You must petition the court to have them removed and replaced and provide a good reason for the court to take that action.

What are public good?

Public goods are goods provided by the government to the general public because it hold great external benefits. (eg streetlights, roads ,bus stops etc).This may be similar to Merit goods so 2 main features of a public good is that it is Non-rivalry and Non-excludable you cannot compete with street lamps, and you cannot exclude anyone from using it. A public good MUST be provided by the government, because if it didn't then no one else would be willing to provide it.

Can private markets provide public goods?

Private markets can provide public goods when it becomes commercially beneficial for them to do so. Look at defence for an example. This area of government responsibility is increasingly being undertaken by the private sector. The requirements of something being classified as being a public good does not include it being a loss-making enterprise.

What should a good government provide for its people?
