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if the plants are increasing it is probably because they isnt so many of them so they arent eating as much as usual.

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Q: Why does the deer population not increase when the plant and predators increase?
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What are the effects of population change?

Well for an example, if the number of hunters increase in the forests then the population of deer will decrease and the other predators of the deer have nothing to feed on and will eventually starve.

What are two factors that may have led to an increase in the number of White-tailed Deer?

Part of the reason the population is going up is because the deer's predators are being hunted and killed. Because the population of the predators are going down, more deer are surviving.

Wolves are predators of deer. What is most likely to happen to the deer population if the wolf population increased?

Extinct. Wolves are predators of deer. If the wolf population increases the deer population will become extinct. Log in for more information.

How does a change in the prey population effect the predator population?

A change in the prey population effects the predator population because if there are alot of preys, then the predators would eat the preys and the population of predators would increase. But on the other hand, if there are not enough preys, the predators would starve and die which would decrease the population of predators.

What would happen if deer population increased 5 fold?

If the deer population increased fivefold, it could lead to overgrazing of vegetation, which could disrupt the ecosystem by decreasing plant diversity and altering habitats. This could also result in more frequent conflicts with humans, such as vehicle collisions and damage to crops. Additionally, an increase in deer population could potentially lead to an increase in disease transmission within the deer population.

What might have caused a decrease in deers?

Deer are related to other herd animals and diseases do pass between them. Ticks and biting flies are a main source of cross-contamination. Also drought can curtail population as food becomes scarce and the deer are weakened to the point they succumb to predators or illness. An increase in predators in the area will also lead to a decrease in the herd population.

What is the cause and effect if the population of deer in a forest increases and the population of wolves in a forest increases?

Cause: An increase in the population of deer in a forest leads to more food availability for wolves, which in turn leads to an increase in the population of wolves. Effect: The increase in the population of both deer and wolves can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. More deer can lead to overgrazing and habitat destruction, while more wolves can lead to a decline in other prey species and potential conflicts with humans.

Do deer eat barries?

of course. When deer are hungry, they increase the variety of plants and plant parts that they consume.

How does the presence of predators help keep the ecosystem stable?

Well predators keep the population of like deer from eating all the plants

Why have deer population increased?

Deer are related to other herd animals pass between a them .also drought can curtail population as food becomes scarce and deer are weakened to the point they succumb to predators or illness

What are to factors that may have led to an increase in the number of whited tailed deer?

Two factors that may have led to an increase in the number of White-tailed Deer are a big food source and less predators.

What would happen to the plants in an ecosystem if the deer population increases every year because of hunting has been restricted?

If the deer population continues to increase due to hunting restrictions, it could lead to overgrazing of plants in the ecosystem. This can result in a decline in plant diversity and abundance, which may negatively impact other species that depend on those plants for food and habitat. The ecosystem could become imbalanced and less resilient to environmental changes.