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Latinos are people from Latin America that speak either spanish,portuguese or french. The two largest Latino population states I think are Texas and California because of Mexicans but Florida has a high population too because of the Cubans.

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Q: Who are latinos and which two states have the largest Latino population?
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Where were most Latinos born?

The majority of Latinos in the United States were born in the United States. However, immigration from Latin American countries also contributes to the Latino population, with Mexico being the largest country of origin for Latino immigrants.

How many Latino people live in La?

Approximately 50% of the population in Los Angeles identifies as Latino, making it one of the largest Latino populations in the United States with over 4 million Latinos residing in the city.

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African-Americans 12-14% is the largest racial minority, though Hispanics are largest ethnic minority, being Hispanic is not a race. It just refers to the those who are from one the former Spanish colonies.

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The latino population in the United States is large and rapidly growing.

What is largest minority in US?

The largest minority group in the United States is Hispanic or Latino, comprising about 18.5% of the population.

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The Hispanic Latino population in the United States is larger than the African American population. In terms of overall population, Hispanics are the largest minority group in the country.

How many Latino evangelicals are there in the US?

Estimates suggest there are around 8-9 million Latino evangelicals in the United States. This group represents a growing segment of the evangelical Christian population in the country.

Are Spanish latinos?

Yes, people from Spain are considered Latinos because they are of Latin European descent. However, the term "Latino" in the United States typically refers to people of Latin American descent.

What is the largest ethnic minority group in America?

This answer applies to the United States only. As of 2012, the largest minority group is currently those who identify as Hispanic/Latinos, which overtook Blacks as the largest minority group sometime between the 2000 and 2010 census. Due to some slightly strange methodology, the US Census does not count "Hispanic or Latino" as a separate racial category, but an ethnicity; it allows one to identify as "Hispanic or Latino" AFTER picking one of the racial choices - thus, the Census provides data on "White, Hispanic or Latino", "Black, Hispanic or Latino", "Asian, Hispanic or Latino" as categories. Most demographers are more exacting in their breakdown of racial/ethnic categories. In addition, depending on variations in immigration and intermarriage, Caucasian whites are expected to drop below 50% of the population sometime before 2040, so the United States will no longer have a "majority" race.

Why are Mexicans Latinos?

In the United States, Latino stands for Latino Americano(Spanish for Latin American), or people whose native language originated from ancient Latin. It includes Spanish, French and Portuguese speaking people born in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America.Hence, people from Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil or Argentina are known as Latinos.

What are the top three states with the lowest Latino population?

California, Arizona and Tejas

What languages are spoken by Latinos?

In the United States, Latino stands for Latino Americano (Spanish for Latin American), or people whose native language originated from ancient Latin. It includes Spanish, French and Portuguese speaking people born in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and South America.Hence, people from Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil or Argentina are known as Latinos.