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Q: Who's original idea was the peace corps?
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Why did president start the peace corp?

John F. Kennedy is credited with the origin of the Peace Corps. But the first idea came from Senator Hubert H. Humphrey. See link for Peace Corps details.

Who created peace corps?

The Peace Corps was created on March 1, 1961 by President John F. Kennedy. It was subsequently authorized by the Peace Corps Act on September 22, 1961.

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Peace corps good idea or bad idea?

everyone's peace corps experience is different. mine wasn't great but somebody else's could be the "experience of a lifetime". it really depends on the country one is assigned to and luck. some volunteers get excellent assignments while others get really bad ones. having a positive attitude and making the best of it will not make much of a difference if one gets a really bad assignment. i personally would not do it again or recommend it to someone I care about.

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don't know im not sure about it so yeah

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The original idea came from Friedrich Martens, a Russian diplomat and Andrew White, an American diplomat. The funding came from the Carnegie Foundation, (Andrew Carnegie).

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Benjamin Franklin Trueblood has written: 'The development of the peace idea, and other essays' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Peace 'The nation's responsibility for peace' -- subject(s): Peace 'The development of the peace idea' -- subject(s): Peace

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What was the idea behind Woodrow Wilson's concept of peace of victory?

Peace without victory was a peace in which the loser was not humiliated.