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Q: Which type of government do not control every aspect of people's lives?
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The government has complete control over every aspect of the lives of the citizens in this form of government.The government has complete control over every aspect of the lives of the citizens in this?

totalitarian dictatorship

What best describes totalitarianism?

The government has complete controll over every aspect of the lives of the citizens

What is the difference between the views of libertarians and totalitarians?

There is a huge difference between the views of totalitarians and libertarians. The former believes that the government should control almost every aspect of a nation. On the other hand, libertarians believe that government should be small and not intrude upon the peoples rights.

The government has complete control over every aspect of he lives of the citizens in this form of government?

Specifically, totalitarianism. Other forms of government can be totalitarian, such as empire, monarchy, or plutocracy.

What is the most important law of the constitution?

Control over every aspect of government, its officials, and its creation - continuation - or destruction.

Why is child abuse still happening?

The only way for child abuse to truly end would be for a totalitarian government to control every aspect of our lives.

How would you use conspire and aspect in a sentence?

The anarchists conspired to take out every aspect of government.

Who is in control in a democratic republic?

In a democracy the people governed are the source of all authority, but in a republic there are layers of representative government, since not every individual can exert direct influence over every aspect of a government. So the elected officials are in 'control' for as long as the electorate choose to keep them in office.

What form of government controls almost every aspect of people's lives including political economic cultural religious and social activities?

Totalitarianism is a form of government that controls almost every aspect of people's lives, including political, economic, cultural, religious, and social activities. This type of government typically exercises strict control over individuals and seeks to eliminate any opposition or dissent.

What are some of the characteristics of totalitarian government?

Total control of the military. Total control over means of communication (newspapers, Propaganda, etc.). Control over the economy. Police control with the use of terror as a control tactic.

Who has power in a totalitarian government?

In a totalitarian government it is a group of people or a single political party that take control of every aspect of the lives of the people they govern. This type of government no longer recognizes the views or beliefs of any other group or political party.

What type of government is the government controls all aspects of people's lives and the government is racist and expansionist?

Totalitarianism is the term to describe a government that seeks to control all facets of its citizens lives. In the Novel 1984 George Orwell a Totalitarian government is discussed in details controlling every aspect of society.